Source code for larpixdaq.core

from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import print_function
from xylem import Core
from xylem.EventHandler import EventHandler
import os
import argparse
import requests

CORE_PORT = 50000

[docs]class LArPixCore(object): """The core is responsible for managing and monitoring the DAQ system components. This includes tracking which components are connected, broadcasting the DAQ state, and sending operator commands to different components. The core must be the first script launched, since other components will exit if they cannot connect to the core. Operator/user interaction with the DAQ Core, and therefore the rest of the DAQ system, happens exclusively through the LArPix DAQ Operator module. See the :py:class:`Operator documentation <.Operator>` for available commands. """ def __init__(self, address, log_address): self.core = Core(address, log_address) self._allowed_states = ['READY', 'RUN', 'STOP'] self.core.state = 'STOP' self.core.isStateAllowed = lambda x: x in self._allowed_states server = 'http://localhost:5000/' def announce_new_client(client_name, all_client_names): try: r = + '/component', json={'new':client_name, 'all':all_client_names}) except: pass def announce_lost_client(client_name, all_client_names): try: r = requests.delete(server + '/component', json={'lost':client_name, 'all':all_client_names}) except: pass def announce_state_change(new_state, old_state): try: r = + '/state', json={'new': new_state, 'old': old_state}) except: pass announce = EventHandler('new_component', announce_new_client) announce_lost = EventHandler('lost_component', announce_lost_client) announce_state = EventHandler('state_change', announce_state_change) self.core.addHandler(announce) self.core.addHandler(announce_lost) self.core.addHandler(announce_state)
[docs] def run(self): """Enter the event loop for the Core."""
if __name__ == '__main__': parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--address', default='tcp://', help='base address for ZMQ connections') parser.add_argument('--log-address', default='tcp://', help='Address to connect to global log') args = parser.parse_args() base_address = args.address + ':' core = LArPixCore(base_address + str(CORE_PORT), args.log_address) try: except KeyboardInterrupt: pass