Source code for larpixdaq.online_monitor

Record packets from the current run and compute various statistics.


import time
import logging
from collections import deque, defaultdict
import json
import argparse

import requests
from xylem import Consumer, protocol
from xylem.EventHandler import EventHandler
from larpix.larpix import Packet
from larpixgeometry import layouts

import larpixdaq.packetformat as pformat
from larpixdaq.core import CORE_PORT

[docs]class OnlineMonitor(object): """Record packets from the current run and compute various statistics. Run data provides the online data monitor for the LArPix DAQ. It tracks the packet rate and can send packets for manual inspection. It also tracks each pixel's recent and max data rate as well as an ADC histogram. :param core_address: the full TCP address (including port number) that data will be published to :param log_address: the full TCP address (including port number) of the DAQ Log """ def __init__(self, core_address, log_address): consumer_args = { 'core_address': core_address, 'log_address': log_address, 'heartbeat_time_ms': 300, 'action_docs': { 'data_rate': '''data_rate() Return the average data rate for the packets received so far.''', 'packets': '''packets() Return the packets as a bytestream with a 2-byte delimiter of 0xAAAA.''', 'messages': '''messages() Return the messages.''', } } self._consumer = Consumer(name='Online monitor', connections=['AGGREGATOR'], **consumer_args) self._consumer.register_action('retrieve_pixel_layout', self.retrieve_pixel_layout, self.retrieve_pixel_layout.__doc__) self._consumer.register_action('load_pixel_layout', self.load_pixel_layout, self.load_pixel_layout.__doc__) self._consumer.addHandler(EventHandler('data_message', self.handle_new_data)) self._consumer.addHandler(EventHandler('data_message', self.maybe_send_update)) self._consumer.addHandler(EventHandler('info_message', self.handle_new_message)) self._consumer.addHandler(EventHandler('info_message', self.send_message_update)) self._use_requests = True self.packets = deque([], 100000) self.timestamps = defaultdict(int) self.pixel_rates=defaultdict(([0]*832).copy) self.max_pixel_rates = [0]*832 self.messages = [] self.datarates = deque([], 100) self.datarate_timestamps = deque([], 100) self.adcs = deque([], 1000) self.start_time = 0 self._sent_index = 0 self.runno = 0 self.state = self._consumer.state self.layout = {'chips':[], 'pixels':[]} self.pixel_lookup = {} self.last_second = int(time.time()) return
[docs] def handle_new_message(self, origin, header, message): """Store new info messages.""" self.messages.append(message) if (header['component'] == 'LArPix board' and message == 'Beginning run'): self._consumer.log('INFO', 'Received start message') self._start_run() elif (header['component'] == 'LArPix board' and message == 'Ending run'): self._consumer.log('INFO', 'Received end message') self._end_run()
[docs] def handle_new_data(self, origin, header, data): """Store new data packets and save data rate and ADCs.""" packets = pformat.fromBytes(data) self.packets.extend(packets) now = int(time.time()) self.timestamps[now] += len(packets) pixel_rates_now = self.pixel_rates[now] for packet in packets: if packet.packet_type == Packet.DATA_PACKET: chip_key = str(packet.chip_key) channelid = packet.channel_id pixel_list = self.pixel_lookup.get(chip_key, None) if pixel_list is not None: pixelid = pixel_list[channelid] if pixelid is not None: pixel_rates_now[pixelid] += 1 if (pixel_rates_now[pixelid] > self.max_pixel_rates[pixelid]): self.max_pixel_rates[pixelid] = ( pixel_rates_now[pixelid]) self.adcs.extend(p.dataword for p in packets if p.packet_type == Packet.DATA_PACKET)
[docs] def maybe_send_update(self, *args): """Send an update to the webserver once per second. :param args: ignored """ if not self._use_requests: return now = int(time.time()) next_tick = now != self.last_second if next_tick: self.datarates.append(self.timestamps[self.last_second]) self.datarate_timestamps.append(self.last_second) pixel_rates_last_second = self.pixel_rates[self.last_second][:] del self.timestamps[self.last_second] del self.pixel_rates[self.last_second] self.last_second = now try: r ='http://localhost:5000/packets', json={'rate':self._data_rate(), 'packets':self._packets()[-100:][::-1], 'messages':self._messages()[-100:][::-1], 'rate_list':list(self.datarates), 'rate_times':list(self.datarate_timestamps), 'adcs': list(self.adcs), 'rate_bypixel': pixel_rates_last_second, 'maxrate_bypixel': self.max_pixel_rates, }) except requests.ConnectionError as e: self._use_requests = False self._consumer.log('WARNING', 'Failed to send packets ' 'to server: %s; turning off web requests' % e)
[docs] def send_message_update(self, *args): """Send an update containing info messages. :param args: ignored """ if not self._use_requests: return try: r ='http://localhost:5000/packets', json={'messages':self._messages()[-100:][::-1],} ) except requests.ConnectionError as e: self._use_requests = False self._consumer.log('WARNING', 'Failed to send packets ' 'to server: %s; turning off web requests' % e)
[docs] def create_pixel_lookup(self, chip_pixel_list): """Create a pixel lookup from a given list of chip-pixel assignments. chip_pixel_list is of the form:: [ [chip0id, [ch0pixel, ch1pixel, ...]], [chip1id, [ch0pixel, ch1pixel, ...]], ... ] """ pixel_lookup = {} for (chipid, pixels) in chip_pixel_list: pixel_lookup[chipid] = pixels return pixel_lookup
[docs] def create_chip_lookup(self, chip_pixel_list): """Create a chip+channel lookup based on pixel ID. The input chip_pixel_list is of the form:: [ [chip0id, [ch0pixel, ch1pixel, ...]], [chip1id, [ch0pixel, ch1pixel, ...]], ... ] The output is of the form:: { pixel0id: {'channel': pixel0channel, 'chip': pixel0chip}, pixel1id: {'channel': pixel1channel, 'chip': pixel1chip}, ... } """ chip_lookup = {} for (chipid, pixels) in chip_pixel_list: for (channelid, pixelid) in enumerate(pixels): chip_lookup[pixelid] = { 'channel': channelid, 'chip': chipid, } return chip_lookup
[docs] def retrieve_pixel_layout(self): ''' retrieve_pixel_layout() Return the current pixel layout and pixel->{chip, channel} mapping. ''' return { 'layout': self.layout, 'lookup': self.chip_lookup, }
[docs] def load_pixel_layout(self, name): ''' load_pixel_layout(name) Retrieve and store the pixel layout from larpix-geometry. ''' self.layout = layouts.load(name) for entry in self.layout['chips']: entry[0] = '1-1-%d' % entry[0] self.pixel_lookup = self.create_pixel_lookup(self.layout['chips']) self.chip_lookup = self.create_chip_lookup(self.layout['chips']) return { 'layout': self.layout, 'lookup': self.chip_lookup, }
def _data_rate(self): ''' Return the average data rate for the packets received so far. ''' npackets = len(self.packets) time_elapsed = time.time() - self.start_time return '%.2f' % (npackets/time_elapsed) def _packets(self): ''' Return a bytestream of all the packets received, converted to a string in base64 encoding. ''' return pformat.toDict(self.packets) def _messages(self): ''' Return the messages. ''' return self.messages def _prepare_run(self): self.packets.clear() self.datarates.clear() self.datarate_timestamps.clear() self.pixel_rates.clear() self.max_pixel_rates = [0] * 832 self.adcs.clear() def _start_run(self): self.runno += 1 self.start_time = time.time() def _end_run(self): pass def run(self): t_last_send = time.time() try: r ='http://localhost:5000/packets', json={'rate':0, 'packets':[]}) except requests.ConnectionError as e: self._use_requests = False self._consumer.log('WARNING', 'Failed to send packets ' 'to server: %s; turning off web requests' % e) last_second = int(time.time()) while True: messages = self._consumer.receive(1) if self.state != self._consumer.state: old_state = self.state new_state = self._consumer.state if new_state == 'READY': self._prepare_run() self.state = self._consumer.state
if __name__ == '__main__': parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Launch the data ' 'consumer providing the online data monitor') parser.add_argument('--core', default='tcp://', help='The address of the DAQ Core, not including port number') parser.add_argument('--log-address', default='tcp://', help='Address to connect to global log, including port number') args = parser.parse_args() monitor = OnlineMonitor(args.core + (':%d' % CORE_PORT), args.log_address) try: except KeyboardInterrupt: pass finally: monitor._consumer.cleanup()